For Parents of Pre-K and Kindergarten Kids

Why a Brain Boost Kit for Parents?

Studies show that children do well in school when their parents help them. Socio-economic status does not matter as much as parental involvement does. Most parents could use help understanding how their child learns. We provide parents with simple-to-understand, but fun, tools to help them teach their children to 'learn how to learn'.

"It simplifies proven learning systems (Vygotsky, Piaget and Montessori) that are used in modern education and makes those learning systems accessible for parents."
 - Kelly Hoey, Inc. External link opens in new tab or windowsee the full article>>

The Kit focuses on 3 very important learning goals, in different ways.

  • Words: Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten "Sight" Words
  • Numbers
  • Shapes